We hear about asbestos through billboards and commercials, but most people do not realize that asbestos doesn’t just affect industry workers. Asbestos is found in homes and buildings, even newly built or remodeled properties. Our goal is to spread asbestos education in hopes that it helps people not to be exposed to the hazardous fiber. Below, we will discuss four places that may contain asbestos in your city.


Schools may shock you, but many school buildings were built before regulations were put in place concerning asbestos. Luckily, the AHERA act helps protect children and employees at schools across the United States. Schools must keep records and inspect their buildings and keep an asbestos management plan to mitigate any asbestos exposure. Schools are required by law to do this, making most schools safe.

Public Buildings

More significant buildings are built to withstand time, meaning a lot of buildings were built in the 1980s. This was a time when asbestos was used in abundance. We see a lot of older public buildings that contain asbestos in the materials. There are regulations in place, but some public buildings are a hazard.


Churches are another location that might shock you. Older churches are at a greater risk of having asbestos, as it was used in soundproofing and for insulating organ blowers and bellows. It is best to have any older churches inspected for asbestos-containing materials, as it can put an entire congregation at risk of exposure.


Hospitals commonly use asbestos to keep medical equipment fire-resistant and to prevent fires. The risk is greater in older hospital buildings, but the dangers are usually not a problem for most people in the hospital. Asbestos is a major concern for those who work in maintaining or constructing older hospital buildings.

If you own an older building, it is crucial that you have it inspected for asbestos, lead, and even mold. The above are all found commonly in older buildings and can be a risk to anyone on the property.