Residential properties commonly have asbestos-containing materials on the property, especially if the home is a bit older. Asbestos was used frequently in residential and commercial properties throughout the United States. Asbestos was the perfect fiber as it was strong and fire-resistant. It was used in roofing, insulation, and even wallpaper adhesive. Unfortunately, it was found to be highly hazardous to your health. As of now, there are regulations on asbestos, but it is not entirely banned. While older homes are more likely to contain asbestos, we have seen plenty of newly constructed properties with asbestos-containing materials.

Asbestos Removal Process

The asbestos removal process is different for residential and commercial properties. Commercial properties are more extensive and can take a lot longer for removal. Residential properties can generally be done within a few days. During the removal process, you will be asked to leave the premises, taking any pets with you. This is for everyone’s safety, as asbestos can cause cancer and other lifelong illnesses. Once you have left, your asbestos abatement contractors will begin the process by sealing off areas that contain asbestos. They will wear equipment designed to protect them from exposure. Most wear respirators and clothing that does not allow asbestos fibers to attach. Once the area is sealed off, they will begin removing the materials that contain asbestos.

As they remove the asbestos, they will start to secure it. This ensures that no asbestos fibers can escape to other areas of your home. Once they complete one area, they will move to the next, repeating the process until all asbestos has been removed. Once the asbestos has been removed, your asbestos abatement professional will safely dispose of the asbestos. Asbestos removal and disposal require state licenses and certifications. If you attempt removal yourself, you could be fined and expose yourself to the dangerous fiber. Always call a professional for asbestos removal services!