Testing For
Building Demolition

Utah County Asbestos Abatement

Utah County Asbestos Abatement of Lehi and American Fork, UT – Testing for Building Demolition

Fully Qualified

Utah County Asbestos Abatement is one of the few asbestos contractors located in Utah County.

Our asbestos contractors are all certified, licensed, and insured for all types of asbestos services. We offer asbestos abatement, asbestos inspections, and asbestos testing for commercial properties. With new laws and regulations, it is necessary to have asbestos testing completed before the demolition of any buildings in Lehi, Alpine, Highland, American Fork, Orem, Provo, and all cities in Utah.

Asbestos Testing
Why is it Important?

Asbestos fibers are very small and can float through the air, attaching to clothing, vehicles, and other items, making it easy to enter homes and other properties. This is just one way you can be exposed to asbestos. Asbestos testing is completed before building demolition to protect everyone in the area. Utah County Asbestos Abatement has certified asbestos contractors to handle asbestos testing and asbestos containment and disposal during building demolitions. We have the proper tools, suits, and equipment to safely remove and dispose of asbestos, ensuring the protection of everyone in the area.

Bulldozer pushing rubble to the side.
Overhead view of a mountainous city.

Should I Have
My Building Tested?

If you are thinking of remodeling your building or going through with a demolition, you should have the building tested for asbestos. Utah County Asbestos Abatement is happy to provide asbestos testing and abatement for all commercial buildings in Spanish Fork, Orem, Provo, Springville, and other areas of Utah. Asbestos testing is completed to ensure the safety of everyone involved and within a certain radius of the building. Asbestos can easily transfer from one area to the next, making it very dangerous and easily ingested. The new laws and regulations are in place to protect everyone from asbestos exposure. Play it safe and have an asbestos test completed on your commercial property!

Give Us A Call Now For Immediate Help: (801) 701-1980