The Environmental Protection Agency, also well-known as the EPA, works to protect the public from the effects of asbestos. The EPA works to ensure people are not exposed to asbestos; this is accomplished under the TSCA, which is the Toxic Substance Control Act. The EPA has completed three separate actions that help to keep us safe from asbestos. The United States has not fully banned the use of asbestos, but the EPA has laws and regulations to protect us better.


There was a partial ban put on asbestos in 1989. This partial ban was used to limit the import, manufacturing, and processing of asbestos-containing products. The 1989 partial ban, also made it illegal to use asbestos in new ways. This helps tremendously, as people cannot use asbestos in other, newer materials.


In 2019 the EPA made a Final Rule about asbestos. This final rule stated that asbestos products that aren’t currently on the market could not be brought back into commerce. This means that any asbestos products not currently being used or imported in commerce, cannot return.

TSCA Risk Evaluations

Asbestos is still being used in limited quantities. The EPA is completing risk evaluations on the ongoing use of asbestos products. This process is currently in place and being used to ensure that the threat of asbestos exposure is low.

Even with the EPA having limited bans and laws and regulations, asbestos exposure is still occurring all over the United States. Properties are still being constructed using asbestos-containing materials, and the risk of exposure is still extremely high.

If you own a home or business, it is a great idea to have an asbestos inspection and test completed. Knowing that your property is safe is very important in protecting everyone from asbestos exposure and the illnesses that accompany exposure.